Thursday, April 3, 2008

embracing dat dur real world

Last weekend I took a mini-roadtrip to good ol' Stockholm, WI to volunteer at my summer camp. With the snow starting to melt (despite recent blizzards) and the lake starting to unfreeze, I can't help but become ridiculously eager to start my job again there. I feel stuck in the city, just constantly bored with whats going on around me. Luckily, the idea of being outdoors, playing games and teaching my kids lessons-o-life re-energizes me to get me thru the rest of this school year.

During my drive to camp, I was able to slow down a bit, figuratively (and literally b/c I got pulled over ha) and appreciate what was happening around me. The night was warmer, aka above -3, and best of all the night was clear. Tho I couldn't fully be grateful whilst driving, I found later that I am never more at peace with myself than I am when I'm able to sit next to a bonfire, tell stories, be with friends and have the night sky above me.

I think more so, the idea of exploring the world and simply living life as an adventure is whats so appealing to me. My Jterm time in Spain sort of catapulted this travel bug within me, this need to do more with my life then hang out in the US and be bored. There is so much more to be experienced out there and I can't help but want it. While still in college, I'm finding it a little easier, with loans being deferred and programs giving me credit for my adventures. The most exciting of which is my (hopefully) internship next year thru HECUA in Quito, Ecuador. I can't even begin to describe how excited I am being able to combine my two majors and see more of the world.

Worries sneak into my head tho when I think about life after college. How am I going to be able to keep exploring, keep traveling, keep living when I have bills to pay, and supposed responsibilities to fulfill? I've come to the consensus that there is nothing in the world that should stop me from doing what I feel I need to do with my life. Various inspirations have come to me from places like this new fancy book I want to read or the one I've already read. What's interesting is the focus of the real world as being the 9-5 grind- in my eyes the real world is out there, away from that repetition. Its there for me to experience and learn from and oh geez am I excited. Other notable programs that have caught my eye are NOLS and Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarships.

EEEEEEEP! Life should be exciting, and so it shall be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, I clicked this link in your facebook status to see where it took me. I ended up here, at your blog, and read your entry. I have to say, it kinda surprised me - you have a very good way with words. I'm impressed Mel, nicely written!